Germaine Koh: Weather Systems

Contribution: Contribution: Sneaky Prosthetics

Sarah Cook, Markus Miessen, Yulia Startsev

Kamloops Art Gallery / ABC Art Books Canada

'Weather Systems' features work by the Vancouver-based artist from the past two decades as well as new works made specifically for the exhibition. Koh's artistic practice focuses on the interrelatedness of conditions in the built and natural environment that otherwise seem unrelated. Her work can even intervene in the institution itself to reveal tensions between the public and private realms, as in the case of 'Player's, a fog machine situated outdoors that transmits Morse code versions of data entered on a computer within the Gallery. By bringing together apparently unrelated activity and transposing one site onto another, Koh shifts expectations of these systems so they can be experienced from a new perspective. This generously illustrated oversized textured hardcover publication is in itself a work of art.