Studio Miessen
Melibokusstr. 25
D-64625 Bensheim
Tel:+49 170 5525 909
Email: miessen(at)studiomiessen(dot)com
Studio Miessen Tweets @MarkusMiessen
We regularly offer full- and part-time internship models on a 6, 9, or 12-month basis to architecture and design students. We expect exceptional talent in architectural design, research and writing skills, as well as interest in debate.
In case you are interested in working with us, please send a 200-word statement of intent including your portfolio and/or other samples of your work to: miessen(at)studiomiessen(dot)com
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt gemäß § 6 MDStV: Markus Miessen / Studio Miessen
Mitglied der Architektenkammer Berlin; Freischaffender Architekt; Architektenliste Nr. 13291.
EU ID: DE 8151 7174 2
Steuernummer: 055/846/65035
Website Programming and Design: Leaky Studio
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