Space Station Oslo
Space Station
Oslo, NO
Commissioned by 0047 Oslo
In collaboration with Tone Hansen, Institute for Colour (Silje Hogstad, Steffen Håndlykken, Ingrid Lønningdal and Elizabeth Schei), Jesper Alvær, Can Altay, Altaar (Sten Ove Toft, Morten Øby) & Lasse Marhaug
- Designed by nOffice (Miessen Pflugfelder Nilsson)
'Space Station' was a spatial and social framework that, continuously and accumulatively, negotiated the relationship between various modes of production, display and its spatial envelope. Consisting of a series of open residencies and public activities, 'Space Station' discussed and challenged models of presentation and mediation, whilst promoting the perception of architecture as an active device capable of probing and altering institutional settings and their political conditions.
Space Station is complemented by a series of lectures and film screenings.
#1 noffice: March 23-25 / Moving–out party: March 25, 7pm#2 Tone Hansen: April 8-10 / Full weekend program
#3 Institute for Colour: April 27-29 / Moving–out party: april 29, 7pm
#4 Jesper Alvær: May 11-13 / Moving–out party: May 13, 7pm
#5 Can Altay: May 25-27 / Moving–out party: May 27, 7pm